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Introducing Innovative Hematology/IHTC’s Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Reduction Program

Jan 27, 2025

Innovative Hematology and the Indiana Hemophilia & Thrombosis Center (IHTC) are excited to announce our new Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction Program. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is also known as heart disease. The goal of this program is to reduce patients’ risk of CVD.

Adult patients (age 18+) seen in comprehensive clinic or another appointment might meet Dr. Kristi Dickson. Dr. Dickson is an internal medicine physician. She will ask questions, do a focused physical exam, and recommend lab tests to help determine patients’ risk of heart disease. She will talk with patients about how to keep their heart and blood vessels healthy and make suggestions to help lower their risk of developing heart disease in the future.

Patients in our CVD program can expect:

  • Personal Care Plan: It’s important to understand each patient’s personal needs and health goals. Dr. Dickson will suggest a personal care plan for these patients to help avoid heart problems.
  • Multidisciplinary Team: Our team will work together to give each patient the complete care they need. Patients will still be able to work with Innovative Hematology/IHTC staff, including:
      • Providers
      • Social workers
      • Career counselors
      • Insurance coordinators
      • Nutritionist
      • Pharmacists
      • Psychologist
      • Physical therapists
  • Patient Education: We will give these patients information to help them understand their condition and make healthy decisions.

Our patients’ health is our top priority. We believe that looking at heart disease risk factors regularly can lead to better health and quality of life.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact us at 317.871.0000.

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Innovative Hematology, Inc.
8326 Naab Road
Indianapolis, IN 46260

877-CLOTTER (877-256-8837)
317-871-0010 (fax)