

Respiratory Virus Guidance

Jan 30, 2025

Cold | Flu | COVID

The following guidelines to reduce the spread of illness for patients and caregivers remain in place at IHI. Protecting patients and staff is vital to our mission and to reduce the spread of viruses.

Wash your hands or use the alcohol hand rub upon entering and leaving the clinic.

Masks are located at the check-in desk.

Reschedule if sick: Contact the office to reschedule if you or someone you had close contact with have any of these symptoms in the last 5 days: fever, cough, headache, sore throat, runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting, chills, body aches.

Any patient—or accompanying visitor—exhibiting any signs of illness will be asked to reschedule or convert to video visit.

Thank you for protecting the health and safety of our patients, guests, and employees.

Updated January 30, 2025

Our Recent News

Sickle cell event aims to get attention of Indiana lawmakers

Sickle cell event aims to get attention of Indiana lawmakers

Members of the Indiana General Assembly are hearing a unified call for help as they return to the statehouse Monday. The Sickle Cell Awareness Day event aims to fill the building with messages about the problems many people with sickle cell face to alert lawmakers to ways the state can help.


Innovative Hematology, Inc.
8326 Naab Road
Indianapolis, IN 46260

877-CLOTTER (877-256-8837)
317-871-0010 (fax)